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Happiness is a State of Mind

Happiness – what everyone wants, what many are searching. How to reach it?

I have been lost, trapped in a dark place inside my own thoughts, in a place that doesn´t even know the word happiness. I had a really messed up belief about what makes me happy. I thought losing weight to the sickly dangerous point would make me happy. I thought being the thinnest, lightest of all would make me smile. I thought skipping a meal or obsessively overexercising would make me feel good – and yes, my anorexic mind was making me feel like that. The illness was messing up with my head so all of that shit actually made me feel better, though it really did not. I living in my own eating disorder world, Hell on Earth and I had no idea what happiness is. I didn´t even know who I was.

Then I recovered. I changed my way of thinking. I got healthy. I beat anorexia once and for all.

Now, I know exactly who I am and I ca honestly say that I am perfectly happy.

I have found happiness even I´ve been lost in an endless sea full of darkness. So why could´t you?

To the question: How to find your happiness?

When it comes to finding happiness, I think the most important thing is to know who you are and to love yourself. If you have no idea who you are, how can you know what makes you happy or what do you want to do? And if you can´t love yourself how can you truly love someone else? For me loving myself means being confident, feeling comfortable in my own skin. It means that I can say I am happy with my body. It means I can say that I am beautiful. It means my mind is filled with positivity. For me it means that I can be completely myself. Loving myself means believing in my self and knowing that I can reach anything I want to.

To find that true self love that comes from deep inside your heart, fills your mind and soul with perfect happiness, you need to let go off negativity. You have to let go off demons and darkness. You need to focus on good things, enjoy all those little things in daily basis. You need to have positive picture of yourself. I know it is easier said than done, but I have done it. I know what I am talking about. I know it is possible. The change doesn´t happen over-night. It doesn´t happen in a week. But you will get there. And even if it takes some time, it is totally worth it.

Without true happiness you can´t live your life to the fullest. And life is something truly amazing with so much for you to offer. Find your inner happiness, surround yourself with positivity and do what you love. This way you´ll for sure be happy and make the most of your life.

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