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Summer Inspiration

This summer, be alive. Live your life like you want to. Do things that make you happy, be with people who make you laugh. Explore new places. Make unforgettable memories. Do something that feels a little crazy, be wild. Stay up all night and watch the sun rise at 3am. Eat smoothie bowls and drink freshly squeezed juices all day long. Go towards your dreams. Train hard. Make time for yourself. Be creative, feel inspired and inspire others. Let this summer be one of the best ones. This summer, be fully alive.

Summer. It´s already on the corner. Only a bit over week and then I´ve finished my first year in high school. It feels crazy that I´ve soon done third of my high school studies. Only few exams, couple of days off and then the summer vacation starts. Vacation that I am so looking forward to. Honestly, I am really tired of all the school stuff at the moment even though I like studying and enjoy being at school. I am definitely in need of a vacation.

I am a Summer person even I like all the other season too. I love it when the sun is shining and the whole nature is full of colours. I am the person who like to wake up super early and go for a run at 6AM. I enjoy the warmth, pretty night sunsets and the gentle wind that plays with my hair. I love Summer clothes. I love to try out new outfits and take cool photos wearing them without my fingers freezing.

Summer is more than a season. It is a feeling. In Summer I have a lot of inspiration and I feel super creative. In Summer there´s time to do everything. Stress goes away along with school books that you can throw to a corner of your room. I feel so free. Everything feels possible in Summer.

Summer inspiration has hit me and there´s already few things on my list that I want and will do this Summer. So here´s a little sneak peak:

– I´ll finish a book

– I´ll take a loooooot of photos

– I´ll film some inspirational videos

– I`ll write on the blog at least about once a week

– I´ll train hard

– I´ll do some extempore trips

– I´ll eat fully raw for a while

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