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Trip to Pärnu

Thursday evening I left from Helsinki with my family. The destination ahead was Pärnu, a small city in Estonia. After being in a ship overnight and travelling by a bus almost two hours, we finally arrived to the city. We spent four days there, living in an absolutely amazing apartment with a perfect balcony and really beautiful bathroom. The trip was filled with happiness. We had a good luck as the weather was super warm and sunny most of the time.

I explored the city, strolled around the streets, went for a morning swim, biked at the beach boulevard, did workouts, ate yummy and healthy food and just enjoyed this four day trip to a pretty, summery city.

I would´ve taken more pictures but I happened to forgot the charger of my camera home and the battery was about to die. At least I got some cool pics with the camera and then the rest of the trip I used the camera of my iPhone 5S.

After all it was a really nice, relaxing long weekend and I´m definitely going to Pärnu again!

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