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Five Tips for Exam Week

All of you high school students know the stress of exam week, right? I definitely do. The second exam week of this school year is just behind the corner and you can probably feel the stress level going up. It´s okay. I feel you. But don´t worry, I am going to give you five easy tips that will help you to get through the exam week nicely.

1. Set goals

It is really important to set yourself realistic goals. You have to set goals that you really want to but also see as possible to reach. Focus on the subjects you are interested in and actually enjoy. Take time to study things you find fascinating. Make the studying as fun as it can be – you can learn English by watching your favourite series or reading your favourite book, by listening to music or perhaps by writing a story, some thoughts or feelings. Also, the attitude has a huge impact on your learning. Try to be positive and truly enthusiastic when you´re studying. Then, don´t be too hard on yourself. You cannot and you don´t have to be good at everything. It is such a waste of time to stress about subject you are not really going to need in the future. For example, if you only take that one obligatory course of physics in high school, it is totally pointless to stress over the course grade as long as you just pass the test and get a grade.

2. See your friends

Make time to see your friends during the exam week. If you try to study all week inside four walls, you´re going crazy. You need to forget studying for a little while. If you just read, read, read and read 24/7, you are not going to really learn. Things are not going to stay in your head for a long if you are just trying to force yourself to learn them. Catch up with a few friends in a nice cafe. Go see a movie. Maybe do some shopping. Go for a yoga class or try body pump. Whatever it is that you feel is the best for you. Just get out of the house and block all the studying out of your mind for a few hours.

3. Treat yourself

You got to treat yourself a little in the middle of the hard work you´re doing. Make yourself a breakfast of your dreams – banana pancakes with topping, flavoured nice cream, smoothie bowl with superfoods, avocado toast, whatever you like! Maybe buy yourself some chocolate, get your favourite ice cream from the store or make a fancy hot chocolate. You totally deserve it. Or perhaps you should get a massage, put on face mask or do your nails. Your options are limitless, just let your mind be free.

4. Remember to relax

Studying really takes a lot of energy so it is super important to also relax. If you find yourself thinking, in the middle of the night, wether you should still read more or go to sleep, I vote for getting a good night sleep. You will probably get a better result with a little bit less reading and sleeping well versus reading a little more and getting shitty few hour sleep. It is also totally acceptable to take a nap in the middle of your studying session if you feel like it. Taking a bath or going to sauna is also a really great way to relax.

5. Plan studying

I think that when you plan and organise your studying, learning is more successful and easier. Choose a time when you are going to study and then spend that time actually studying. Do not let your phone or something else distract you. It can be hour or two in the morning and then some more during the day or in the evening. In my opinion, also the studying place plays an important role. Find out what for you is the best place for studying. For me it is probably some of my favourite cafes. I just find studying so fun in some nice cafe in the middle of Helsinki. You know, great atmosphere, pretty decoration, cup of coffee, tea or a fresh smoothie, some music on the background. It´s just something really cool. Of course, this is not everyone. Someone might not be able to focus on anything if there´s any noise and a lot of other people. I personally just find it nice that there is something happening around me.

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