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Self Acceptance and Confidence

In today´s society, most of the time when people are asked if they truly, completely accept themselves, the answer is no. Isn´t it sad? We have this amazing life and we should´t waste time on hating ourselves. You can´t live your life to the fullest if you are not happy with who you are. Self acceptance is something that you definitely need to work on. But listen to me when I say, it is so worth it, okay? Believe me, I know what I´m talking about. Once you find the love, acceptance and confidence, you feel so free. You feel so you. You are able to be the best version of yourself. It is one of the best feelings ever.

"To be beautiful means to be you.

You don´t need to be accepted by others.

You need to accept yourself."

Accepting yourself is not something that happens overnight or something that suddenly

happens when you just clap your hands. It is a journey. It is a process that takes some time and can be hard, but you will thank yourself when you reach the goal. I´m sure you will be really grateful.

I know I am.

"Accept yourself

as you were designed."

– Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

Trying your limits is something that I find helpful when it comes to self acceptance and confidence. Step out of your comfort zone, cross the lines instead of drawing more of them. In situations where you feel anxious, nervous or scared, try to push yourself to be as confident-looking as possible. When you do this, it will get easier every time and eventually you will actually feel more and more confident. Then you don´t even have to think about trying to look confident, you will be confident. Eventually you will be self accepting and super confident person who knows exactly who she is and what she wants.

Most of us have really wrong picture of perfection. There are still dangerously under weight models walking on catwalks. Many photos on magazines are so photoshopped and even if we know this, we are not constantly thinking about it. We just see the photos and create the picture of perfection in our minds. The picture that tells us what we´re supposed to look like. Let me tell you, the perfection is within you. Perfection is not a certain body type or face. Perfection is you being you. Too often we´re trying to make our bodies look the way they are not supposed to be. You are designed to be you, do not try to be someone else. Do not try to look like someone else. You being you is enough. You being you makes you perfect.

Let´s focus on feeling good. Follow your passions. Surround yourself with people who see you, trust you and believe in you. People who make you feel like you are perfect the way you are and make you feel you can reach anything. I know that just having a certain body time, looking a certain way or fitting into a certain size does not make you happy. Acceptance and confidence don´t start from the outside but from the inside. You can train your body hard, make it fitter, leaner and I truly think it´s great but it has to be done for right reasons. You have to train because you enjoy it, you want to be even better version of yourself and you do it because you really love yourself. It is not okay to torture your body because you hate how it is. It is not okay to train just because of what your body is not.

I believe in that when you are in a great place mentally and you´re making your soul happy, your body will follow. You can see the happiness in your face, in your body, in the way you are, in the way you speak. You will be the best you can be and the whole world will see it.

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